Quick Quick

Its been a stressful week. When do I not say that?

I had a mini nervous breakdown on Tuesday. Cut my hair. By myself. With very blunt kitchen scissors. I was having one of those “I- haven’t- had-a- day-to- myself- in-forever- don’t-have- time-to- exercise- and-have -two-kids -24/7-so- I’m-still- stuck- with-10- preggo- pounds-and- have-no-clothes -that-fit-and-have -been-wearing-one -bra-for-6weeks- and-haven’t-had a-haircut-in – ages -and-I- need-a -break -from-my -kids-my- life-sucks -type of moment. Ryan’s took my phone to work with him and unfortunately his ran out of minutes in the middle of a nervous breakdown phone and sadly the phone didn’t make it through the morning. RIP.

I got out of the house (which had been taken over by clumps of attic insulation that my grandpa was blowing in) and sped with the kids into town. Grabbed a hot-n-ready pizza and took the boys to the park (btw… found a new, great park to visit!). At naptime we went to the new house and I put Porter down for a nap in the pack n play in the empty upstairs. Hudson adn I sat in the living room on a sheet over the diry, stained carpet and just sat in the empty house all afternoon. For once I was at peace with being HOME. Can you tell I’m just at the verge of a breakdown for wanting to be HOME finally? I’m eternally grateful that my grandpa and mom have opened their house up for us to stay at but its just so hard to live in someone else’s house. Especially when its pushing the 6 week mark.

Anyhow… we’re ALMOST done with the final hang-ups to getting this house closed. Our ghetto repairs passed inspection (we put paneling in the stairway to the apartment…quick and diry and cheap was the name of the game!) and we just need a few minor things cleared up and we should SHOULD get a closing date for the end of next week. THANK GOD! I have a scrapbook night planned for next Friday, but let me tell you the second we have those keys I’m going to paint and get the livingroom floors stained and start moving our shit in! I will make trips with my Pacifica and kids in tow if I have to!

Yesterday my grandma helped me clean the kitchen. It took the two of us nearly SIX hours to clean it. EWW. It was that gross. It looks so much better though. Bathrooms are next. The upstairs one is so so so disgusting. That’ll be my first OPAM to post… I have to do before/after pictures even though these after pictures will only be one step. Next up is a total bathroom remodel for the upstairs bathroom. I’m debating on whether to live with it disgusting until we save up money to put in really nice bathroom things or just go with some less expensive yet nice looking bathroom stuff and get it done now.

Question for readers: We need internet service at the new house. I can’t get SBC. Or Modempool. Right now Comcast looks like our only option but I refuse to get sucked into their stupid “Have our services at this price for just a year” gimmick and then have to pay $59.00 a month for internet. GAG. So, those of you in Michigan Center… are there any small providers that do DSL internet? I don’t want dial up. Help!

Alrighty… off to search Craigslist for some barstools for the kitchen and a few other things. I have some pics I can post but they’re on the laptop. We’re at Ry’s parents for the weekend… the ridiculous city my mom lives in loses power anytime the wind blows the wrong way so of course last night we got all the way out there and there was no power. Ry’s parents are out of town for the weekend so thankfully they’re letting us shack up at their house for the weekend.

  1. Re comcast… We had comcast for years in Oregon, as well as in Jackson and never had any problem with them. You get the “deal” for the first year, but at the end of the year they should offer you another one. If I remember correctly, we were going to be able to continue at our same price in Jackson. And if not, you just tell them you’re leaving and someone else will get your service and when you go that route, they’ll offer you a deal again.Here it’s not comcast, but Charter and it was the same thing… our new “deal” this year is actually better than our first year.In other news, man I’m sorry you had such a crappy day on Tuesday. I hope your hair survived. I need to call you and inquire about dates/opinions on when we’re coming up. Can’t wait to see that house!!Hope you have a good holiday weekend!

  2. My sister shopped around for the best deal recently. Comcast, Wowway and AT&T were ALL offering digital cable, high speed internet and digital phone for $99 per month for one year. When she told Wow about the offers…they gave her a deal of $80 total per month for all 3 for 18 months!! 😉 It may depend on your area. Here in Wyandotte, you have to have all your utilities through the city (except Gas) and they come in one bill. Water, Electric, Cable, Internet AND Phone. It’s cool!! ;PGood Luck. The house looks pretty sweet!!

  3. I’m a bit behind in the reader and even more behind in the commenting but I hope you’re feeling better. I know that I always feel better once I’ve made progress with cleaning something so I hope the kitchen being cleaned was cleansing in more then one way.

  4. I feel your pain, girl. I’ve had far too many “moments” like the one you described. I hope you have a great RELAXING holiday weekend!

  5. As far as I know the deal you might get from Comcast is $45 a month when you have cable. We just have the basic $11 a month cable for 25 channels. Not sure what else there is available there.

  6. Nic, Comcast is having a great triple-play holiday special right now for $79.00 a year & they also have a special on the DVR for $9.00/a month. I am considering it myself, as I need to decide on which way I want to go with cable. I thought I saw you (& your little dog too) next door a few times this weekend. I am staying @ Mom’s for a bit until I get settled into my new apartment. Good luck w/the cable decision, Comcast is good for internet & cable!

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