Fun surprises

This afternoon Porter and I met my friend and fellow photographer Jen and her little boy at the park to play. She had the images from my maternity session finished and was ready to show me. WOW. That’s all I can say. This girl has an amazing eye for great angles. I love the images. I knew they’d be great, but I wasn’t sure I’d love them because it was *me* in them. Well, I loved the “sneak peeks” on her blog, but I’m totally in love with the images she had to show me today as well. Wow. So, I told her I was going to pimp her out on my blog and post some of my favorites. (I also put some up in a new banner on Hudson’s blog!)

Remember the story about the bench and the CATA bus stop?? Here’s that image….

Porter and I hung out at the park with Jen and Nathan for over 3 hours. Porter had a ton of fun, got along great with Nathan, and was exhausted by the time we got home. When we got home, I found a package on the front step from Kim. She sent Hudson the cutest onesies from Gap. Isn’t that so sweet? And what a great surprise and end to my day. THANK YOU! I can’t wait for him to wear them.

And, yesterday, I got a surprise in the mailbox… Kari dropped off some Hotslings for me! She no longer used them and was kind enough to pass them along. I’m so excited to try it out with Hudson! THANK YOU!

Anyhow… not much else to write. I’m pretty boring lately. Sorry ’bout that.

  1. ohhh i LOVE the pics!! you look fabulous!!yeah, it was kind of early for the baby gift but i thought maybe you could use the pick-me-up right now… i think anything helps in the last month! i was going to get you one of the gap outfits you had mentioned you liked on here, but then i was worried someone else would see it and get them for you… so feel free to exchange them if you want! πŸ™‚ i thought they were cute though!

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